Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Term 2 Week 7

On Monday last week we started our weekly tast and those tast we get to chose what we get to do. The funest part was that when we chose what to do I chose to do Mathletics. Me and Aaron surpizzeingly chose the agsact same things to do and thlis thing weve started to do is so cool. The thing I really liked about this was that we got to chose the activetse becuase we are the only class to do this. We do this becuase then the teacher does not want us to sit on the mat and thisen to what we need to do.

The cool thing about doing this is that we get to do what ever we want to do on the list. I like this challange were doing becuase it is so fun if you were here rigth know you would like this. We get to do Mathletics,SSR,reading flutly,repeted addtion and our blog recont and if you do not know what a blog recont is I will tell you what it is, a recont is a thing you wrigth about that as all ready happend. The reisn we are doing this is becuse then the teacher does not what to sit and tallk about things we all ready know.

the thing I found hard is finshing the actives in time the easy thing about this was doing the brain exsursizie I like the doing the blog recont.

1 comment:

Carlene Ruhe said...

It sounds like you are really enjoying this exercise Nathan.
What a great idea this is