Thursday, 24 March 2016

Polyfest Reflection

On Thursday our class went to Polyfest so first we did the roll and got into our groups so I was in  Ty's Dad's group and we got to go in Mrs Grahams car. We were waiting for the van for along time because they were late.  when we got there we had to walk to the polyfest it was just down the road so it wasn't far.

When we got there rigth away we got free stuff and learnt what some maori muscly instrument Then we split up and I went with matua to the nuie stage and watched the speachs and they were good.

After that we went to the maori stage and they were good and when we there we sore lots of food so me and Hunter we look at the dumplings and lollies and they looked good so he got some then it was near 3:00 so we walk back to the car and Ty's Dad was waiting for us then we got to school and wrote a reflection.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was great to see that you enjoyed yourself at Polyfest. Make sure you revise and edit your writing. Read it our loud to your self to ensure it makes sense before you post your work.